Ark Encounter
Posted in : Uncategorized on by : Bill York
I went to see Noah’s Ark at the Ark Encounter in northern Kentucky on Tuesday August 2nd. It is a full size replica of the Ark that Noah built in the Bible in Genesis 6-8. It is very interesting and they have many exhibits covering a number of topics including what kinds of animals Noah and his family transported on the Ark, how they might have cared for them, the technology that may have been used in the ark, what else was happening around the world during the flood, and a big picture overview of what has happened since the flood.
It was a great experience! Everything is top quality. The Ark is complete but part of the gift shop and some other attractions are still in work. They also have a nice cafeteria with good food. I highly recommend you check it out if you get a chance! You can learn more about it at http://arkencounter.com